It looks to be random when the Zergling kills Grunty or when Grunty kills Zergling. Warcraft Pets links to some video showing this in action. Here are some shots I took.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Grunty Attacks!
Grunty vs Zerling Rocks!
It looks to be random when the Zergling kills Grunty or when Grunty kills Zergling. Warcraft Pets links to some video showing this in action. Here are some shots I took.

It looks to be random when the Zergling kills Grunty or when Grunty kills Zergling. Warcraft Pets links to some video showing this in action. Here are some shots I took.
TNB Live Round Table Tonight
TNB Live Thursday 8/27 9:30pm PST – Blizzcon 09 Round Table
I will be on tonight! So if you don't catch me on tonight download the episode next week.
Log in to the live chat so you can ask questions. Nib and I will be happy to talk about the warlock shard changes. Or you can ask about how a blogger didn't make it to the second day of Blizzcon not until early afternoon... can we say Hangover? *grin*
We drank. We saw. We conquered.
I will be on tonight! So if you don't catch me on tonight download the episode next week.
Log in to the live chat so you can ask questions. Nib and I will be happy to talk about the warlock shard changes. Or you can ask about how a blogger didn't make it to the second day of Blizzcon not until early afternoon... can we say Hangover? *grin*
We drank. We saw. We conquered.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Blizzcon Pictures
I took a lot of pictures at Blizzcon 2009. The albums are spread out over a few posts. Here they are all in one. You can click it the slideshow link on the upper right.
Panels on day one.
Panels on day two.
Closing ceremony.
A lot of them are fuzzy. There also maybe duplicates.
I have barely digested all the information. Though I am excited I am very wary of what is going to become of the warlock class. We shall see over the next year as more is revealed.
Panels on day one.
Panels on day two.
Closing ceremony.
A lot of them are fuzzy. There also maybe duplicates.
I have barely digested all the information. Though I am excited I am very wary of what is going to become of the warlock class. We shall see over the next year as more is revealed.
Blizzcon 2009 an Improvement and Renew Friends
I absolutely loved meeting up with everyone. Husband enjoyed that too. It was long but fun days.
I cannot help but compare it to Comic Con. There is way less people at Blizzcon. Blizzard rightly cut off the attendance where they did. It was extremely busy at panels and booths but if you needed to get out of the crowd you can.
The number one thing that NEEDS to improve at future Blizzcon is panel scheduling. Just put all the Warcraft panels in the same Hall. The flip flopping is just plain annoying. Also if a panel the second day is an actual repeat of the day before … SAY IT. Waiting 30 minutes for nothing doesn’t make me happy.
Everyone around me was communicating via Twitter. Me and my little phone just text directly to Fim’s phone to see where everyone was meeting up. At moments I felt like I was the old lady with the rotary phone when everyone went to the push button. But because if the lack of Twittering I actually got to experience the events and panels more.
I have a album up of the slides from Satruday. There is also so very fuzzy pictures of the concerts at the closing ceremony posted.
Now for a little name dropping (and if I missed you sorry and tell me!!)…
I was able to spend a lot of time with Fimlys of Twisted Nether Blogcast, Brutalize from the Rawrcast, and Sar of Destructive Reach.
Some others I met up with (again not limited to) was…
Nibuca of Mystic Chicanery and Twisted Nether
Ratters of Need More Rage
Tigorasou of The Druid Team
Tristan of The Elitist Podcast
Bremm of Bremm's Musings
Brajana of Mend Pet
Matt of World of Matticus (Getting drunk pictures of FTW!)
Wynthea of World of Matticus
Lodur of World of Matticus
Brigwyn of The Hunting Lodge
Sideshow & Syrana
Soooo many more I completely lost track.
Someone not there but was in our thoughts (… probably because we were handing out Rawrcast stickers) was Stompalina. I ran around with one on my backpack all Saturday. I absolutely cheered and screamed with I saw Brutalize on screen behind the banners on Direct TV.
Here he is holding up a Rawrcast sticker up.
I also think he was the only one that got as much kick out of the penis shaped glow necklaces and inflated condoms during the concert as I was. Good times.
I cannot help but compare it to Comic Con. There is way less people at Blizzcon. Blizzard rightly cut off the attendance where they did. It was extremely busy at panels and booths but if you needed to get out of the crowd you can.
The number one thing that NEEDS to improve at future Blizzcon is panel scheduling. Just put all the Warcraft panels in the same Hall. The flip flopping is just plain annoying. Also if a panel the second day is an actual repeat of the day before … SAY IT. Waiting 30 minutes for nothing doesn’t make me happy.
Everyone around me was communicating via Twitter. Me and my little phone just text directly to Fim’s phone to see where everyone was meeting up. At moments I felt like I was the old lady with the rotary phone when everyone went to the push button. But because if the lack of Twittering I actually got to experience the events and panels more.
I have a album up of the slides from Satruday. There is also so very fuzzy pictures of the concerts at the closing ceremony posted.
Now for a little name dropping (and if I missed you sorry and tell me!!)…
I was able to spend a lot of time with Fimlys of Twisted Nether Blogcast, Brutalize from the Rawrcast, and Sar of Destructive Reach.
Some others I met up with (again not limited to) was…
Nibuca of Mystic Chicanery and Twisted Nether
Ratters of Need More Rage
Tigorasou of The Druid Team
Tristan of The Elitist Podcast
Bremm of Bremm's Musings
Brajana of Mend Pet
Matt of World of Matticus (Getting drunk pictures of FTW!)
Wynthea of World of Matticus
Lodur of World of Matticus
Brigwyn of The Hunting Lodge
Sideshow & Syrana
Soooo many more I completely lost track.
Someone not there but was in our thoughts (… probably because we were handing out Rawrcast stickers) was Stompalina. I ran around with one on my backpack all Saturday. I absolutely cheered and screamed with I saw Brutalize on screen behind the banners on Direct TV.
Here he is holding up a Rawrcast sticker up.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Costumes a Must See
There are a lot of great costumes from Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft walking around. People have put a lot of work. Check out the full photo album here. (Sorry for fuzzy or duplicate pictures.)
People have put 100s of hours into these creations for our fun. Some of my favorites were like the Twink hunter. Leggings of the Fang FTW!

People have put 100s of hours into these creations for our fun. Some of my favorites were like the Twink hunter. Leggings of the Fang FTW!
Cataclysm New Class: Warlock
They are totally revamping the Warlock mechanics in Cataclysm. The details are limited and because we are talking a year out, subject to change.
I will master the warlock in what ever form Blizzard gives to me.
Here are the slides that pertained to the warlock. You can see here some slides from other parts of the panel, like hunters, raids, new race overview, and there is an actual picture of Ghostcrawler. (Sorry for fuzzy or duplicate pictures.)

I will master the warlock in what ever form Blizzard gives to me.
Here are the slides that pertained to the warlock. You can see here some slides from other parts of the panel, like hunters, raids, new race overview, and there is an actual picture of Ghostcrawler. (Sorry for fuzzy or duplicate pictures.)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Pre-Blizzcon Done
Yesterday it was get there and get badges. The line was long but from what I was told it was not even as close to as long as it was when they opened before 4 PM. If you had all of your information, email barcode and ID, the line constantly moved.
I had been in contact with Fimlys for hours to meet up for dinner. We went out for burgers. The three of us chatted.
Fim outdid himself. He made really nice cards. He made stickers for the meetup Friday night. He even had a really cool badge that said “Fimlys” on it. That way people knew how they could identify him.
BTW I failed my sister-in-law. Here I hung out with Fim for hours and didn’t take a picture. I will fix that today.
We went to the meetup. We were there late but that seemed to be better. Most of the crowd thinned out.
The first person we saw was Turpster. You cannot miss that voice. Then I spotted across the room some guys from Just My Two Copper, but didn’t have a chance to go say hello. Plus about then was when Husband distracted me with a drink.
We spent a lot of time with Rawrcast I highly suggest checking out RawrCon. They are having a bunch of people call in.
I bugged some of the cast of The Guild. Jeff (Vork) sliced his finger and had a gazillion stitches. Yea, I was more interested in that then actually talking to them. An example of why you will never get hard hitting information from me.
Today Blizzcon actually starts. Husband said if we don’t do anything else he is okay with it. He has his Grunty the murloc marine and the rest is just bonus.
I had been in contact with Fimlys for hours to meet up for dinner. We went out for burgers. The three of us chatted.
Fim outdid himself. He made really nice cards. He made stickers for the meetup Friday night. He even had a really cool badge that said “Fimlys” on it. That way people knew how they could identify him.
BTW I failed my sister-in-law. Here I hung out with Fim for hours and didn’t take a picture. I will fix that today.
We went to the meetup. We were there late but that seemed to be better. Most of the crowd thinned out.
The first person we saw was Turpster. You cannot miss that voice. Then I spotted across the room some guys from Just My Two Copper, but didn’t have a chance to go say hello. Plus about then was when Husband distracted me with a drink.
We spent a lot of time with Rawrcast I highly suggest checking out RawrCon. They are having a bunch of people call in.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Blizzcon Bound
I have my Twisted Nether Blogcast shirt for Friday. Which is bigger then I thought it would be. I have not bought a t-shirt for myself in ages. On top of that my Comic Con rule of not wearing comic shirts was tossed out. Why? THIS IS BLIZZCON.
I have a “Healing with a Positive Carbon Footprint” from Resto4Life. It was a gift. It is kinda odd to wear at Blizzcon because… well I am a warlock and I will be surrounded by people who actually KNOW what it means. But it is comfy and is one of my raiding shirts. I will have to see how I feel on Saturday.
I also made some calling cards. When you meet a lot of new people everyone scrambles to find places to write down contact information. I got crafty and made myself some Hydra of Almost Evil calling cards.
I just realized I am going to have to put faces with real names and toon names. This will be bad since I am really crappy with names. Oh well.
I also made some calling cards. When you meet a lot of new people everyone scrambles to find places to write down contact information. I got crafty and made myself some Hydra of Almost Evil calling cards.
I just realized I am going to have to put faces with real names and toon names. This will be bad since I am really crappy with names. Oh well.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Blizzcon Ticket for a Lock
So when I first set up my, I announced that I did indeed have tickets to Blizzcon. Husband and I are going.
I tried to get tickets last year to Blizzcon 2008. It was an utter horrible disaster. Hours upon hours dealing with the broken Blizzard store site. It was the worst execution of tickets sales I have ever seen. I am still a little pissed about the waste of time that was for everyone.
Then this year…
I give a full Congratulation to Blizzard for Blizzcon 2009 ticket sales. They prepped people on what would happen. They gave dates, times, how, and cost way prior to the date. Ticket buyers were not left to wonder about anything.
I set up Husbands and my accounts the week before the May 16th sale date. There was going to be a May 30th sale date but that was our 10th wedding anniversary. Even if we were not thinking about going to Vegas I was not hanging around a computer. I only had one chance at tickets.
Above all else I promised myself I would not be upset. I felt this time everyone had a fair chance to get tickets. There were a lot of people who wanted the tickets and only a few to be sold. Plus I decided if I really wanted to go this year, I would pursue some familial means.
I, like everyone else, at the time of tickets hit refresh browser over and over and over again. I had the page. I put in my information. I had my queue number.
I was yelling to (note that is not an “at”) Husband that I was in queue. He was too with a number 4,3xx. At this point I was excited. I started to actually think there was a possibility of getting tickets.
I got in. I put my credit card information in. I got an error screen.
Calmly, because it said you had 15 minutes to process your order. I tried again. Then I tried again. The fifth time I finally called the customer service number they were giving me.
I got though to a very nice man. Ultimately he was no help. Everything seemed fine on their end. He tried to reassure me that there were tickets still left.
I knew better.
I watched as I was timed out of the Blizzard Store. Even though I did everything right. Something went wrong. That something was not something I could have fixed prior.
I was resolved that I was not getting tickets. As much as I didn’t want to be disappointed, I was.
Husband was sweet. He took me out for some Greek food to take my mind off everything.
Days and weeks passed.
The weekend of the next ticket sales we were off to Vegas.
My sister and her boyfriend were there looking for apartments. They were moving in the next week or so and was getting last plans done. We met up at an all-you-can-eat buffet for dinner.
My phone rang at 8 PM in line at an all-you-can-eat buffet in Vegas.
Completely odd for me, I picked up my phone. I never notice when my phone rings. I never pick it up when I don’t recognize the number. This time I just picked it up.
It was Blizzard’s Customer Service.
The lady on the other end explained that there was issue processing orders with American Express that first day. I was one of them. To rectify that they were calling before the second sales day to see if I still would like to purchase tickets.
I did.
While she was doing that, I asked if she was at the Irvine office. She was. Being local we chatted. She coached basketball at the High School I graduated from. We talked about eateries. We talked about Vegas. I bought my tickets using my Visa this time.
Blizzcon starts Friday. Currently my plans are to go to the meet-up Thursday, the Twisted Nether Blogcast meet-up Friday, and adsorb some panels at Blizzcon. I don’t really care about what new News is being released. This is a chance to meet face-to-face some of the people I have talked hundreds of hours too online.
See you at Blizzcon.
I tried to get tickets last year to Blizzcon 2008. It was an utter horrible disaster. Hours upon hours dealing with the broken Blizzard store site. It was the worst execution of tickets sales I have ever seen. I am still a little pissed about the waste of time that was for everyone.
Then this year…
I give a full Congratulation to Blizzard for Blizzcon 2009 ticket sales. They prepped people on what would happen. They gave dates, times, how, and cost way prior to the date. Ticket buyers were not left to wonder about anything.
I set up Husbands and my accounts the week before the May 16th sale date. There was going to be a May 30th sale date but that was our 10th wedding anniversary. Even if we were not thinking about going to Vegas I was not hanging around a computer. I only had one chance at tickets.
Above all else I promised myself I would not be upset. I felt this time everyone had a fair chance to get tickets. There were a lot of people who wanted the tickets and only a few to be sold. Plus I decided if I really wanted to go this year, I would pursue some familial means.
I, like everyone else, at the time of tickets hit refresh browser over and over and over again. I had the page. I put in my information. I had my queue number.
I was yelling to (note that is not an “at”) Husband that I was in queue. He was too with a number 4,3xx. At this point I was excited. I started to actually think there was a possibility of getting tickets.
I got in. I put my credit card information in. I got an error screen.
Calmly, because it said you had 15 minutes to process your order. I tried again. Then I tried again. The fifth time I finally called the customer service number they were giving me.
I got though to a very nice man. Ultimately he was no help. Everything seemed fine on their end. He tried to reassure me that there were tickets still left.
I knew better.
I watched as I was timed out of the Blizzard Store. Even though I did everything right. Something went wrong. That something was not something I could have fixed prior.
I was resolved that I was not getting tickets. As much as I didn’t want to be disappointed, I was.
Husband was sweet. He took me out for some Greek food to take my mind off everything.
Days and weeks passed.
The weekend of the next ticket sales we were off to Vegas.
My sister and her boyfriend were there looking for apartments. They were moving in the next week or so and was getting last plans done. We met up at an all-you-can-eat buffet for dinner.
My phone rang at 8 PM in line at an all-you-can-eat buffet in Vegas.
Completely odd for me, I picked up my phone. I never notice when my phone rings. I never pick it up when I don’t recognize the number. This time I just picked it up.
It was Blizzard’s Customer Service.
The lady on the other end explained that there was issue processing orders with American Express that first day. I was one of them. To rectify that they were calling before the second sales day to see if I still would like to purchase tickets.
I did.
While she was doing that, I asked if she was at the Irvine office. She was. Being local we chatted. She coached basketball at the High School I graduated from. We talked about eateries. We talked about Vegas. I bought my tickets using my Visa this time.
Blizzcon starts Friday. Currently my plans are to go to the meet-up Thursday, the Twisted Nether Blogcast meet-up Friday, and adsorb some panels at Blizzcon. I don’t really care about what new News is being released. This is a chance to meet face-to-face some of the people I have talked hundreds of hours too online.
See you at Blizzcon.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
In an Epic Titanium World
When I was under 25 thousand gold I actually felt wow poor. Silliness I know. I run in groups that half the wow gold cap is the norm. At 40 thousand gold I not only have a Traveler's Tundra Mammoth have bought a chopper as a gift. I can now buy two more mammoths and have gold left over.
I have surpassed my passive goal of 40 thousand gold. I continue to auction my normal tailoring items and reselling stacks of eternal into singles. But the last 15 thousand was from speculation on epic gems and new gear.
As soon as the announcement that epic gems will be available from Titanium Ore in patch 3.2 I started stockpiling. I bought ore in the auction house anywhere from 5 to 10 gold apiece.
When the patch 3.2 came out I had 1,860 pieces of ore to be prospected.I found a nice guildie Jewelcrafter who would prospect them for me. I told him I had a ton of ore. More specifically described as a bank tab full.
I received 89 epic gems. Just under 4.8% of the ore produced epics. This was a lot higher then I expected.
I am not a JC and am only selling the raw gems. Some things I kept in mind.
I have less then a stack of each of the green gems left. So far I am having luck at selling green gems at pre patch 3.2 prices.
It took me a day or two to realize that Titanium Powder was used for buying the epic JC patterns. A few stacks made good payment to my jewelcrafters as a thank you.
Now I am back to normal business. I don’t need to go for outside help. It was sure a wild ride.
As soon as the announcement that epic gems will be available from Titanium Ore in patch 3.2 I started stockpiling. I bought ore in the auction house anywhere from 5 to 10 gold apiece.
When the patch 3.2 came out I had 1,860 pieces of ore to be prospected.I found a nice guildie Jewelcrafter who would prospect them for me. I told him I had a ton of ore. More specifically described as a bank tab full.
Ametrine | 15 |
Cardinal Ruby | 17 |
Dreadstone | 17 |
Eye of Zul | 12 |
King's Amber | 17 |
Majestic Zircon | 11 |
| |
Autumn's Glow | 26 |
Forest Emerald | 17 |
Monarch Topaz | 10 |
Scarlet Ruby | 12 |
Sky Sapphire | 19 |
Twilight Opal | 11 |
| |
Bloodstone | 99 |
Chalcedony | 94 |
Dark Jade | 94 |
Huge Citrine | 86 |
Shadow Crystal | 79 |
Sun Crystal | 103 |
| |
Titanium Powder | 272 |
I received 89 epic gems. Just under 4.8% of the ore produced epics. This was a lot higher then I expected.
I am not a JC and am only selling the raw gems. Some things I kept in mind.
- New emblem and instance gear will last for an estimated 5-7 weeks, then there will be less demand.
- I didn’t want to end up having to vendor the green gems. Sell them hard and fast.
- Vendor green gems are an option if AH doesn’t look to be working. (But have yet to.)
- Alchemists can transmute uncut superior gems to create epic gems.
- Epic gems will be high the first few days then drop below where they will norm out in a few weeks.
- Keep an eye out for sellers who will severely undercut for quick epic gem resell opportunities.
- Titanium Powder is a boon. Don’t undersell. People will be buying powder for a lot longer then the gear is going to be farmed from the ToC.
- Titanium Ore can now be sold for 15-16 gold a piece.
- I am already seeing a slowness in the gem market.
I have less then a stack of each of the green gems left. So far I am having luck at selling green gems at pre patch 3.2 prices.
It took me a day or two to realize that Titanium Powder was used for buying the epic JC patterns. A few stacks made good payment to my jewelcrafters as a thank you.
Now I am back to normal business. I don’t need to go for outside help. It was sure a wild ride.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rez Plz
Tuesday night one of my very nice tanks asked if I would join him in a PuG 25 Vault of Archavon. Hydra doesn’t need anything in VoA for PvE. But there was a possibility of PvP gear and a few emblems. Plus I have not used that raid ID in forever.
I don’t mind pugging VoA for guildies. First it lasts a maximum of two hours, because that is when the next Wintergrasp battle starts. Secondly, it is non-dkp loot possibilities and emblems for everyone. Lastly, I can see where my DPS is for fights I have been doing for a long while, like a live training dummy.
First pull went ok. We still wiped. Didn’t look to be on any horrid technical or gear problems. More like melee didn’t get out of Emalon’s Lightning Nova fast enough so a few went down.
Second pull Emalon was killed.
In the first minute of the fight one of the rogues died. … by the stairs. I don’t know if it was at the pull. I only noticed it when he started asking for a combat rez.
Then again.
…then again.
…then again.
We were ignoring him.
After a bit I couldn’t handle it anymore so I said something in vent.
“Yea. A combat rez would be nice. If we actually had a DRUID in raid.”
I don’t mind pugging VoA for guildies. First it lasts a maximum of two hours, because that is when the next Wintergrasp battle starts. Secondly, it is non-dkp loot possibilities and emblems for everyone. Lastly, I can see where my DPS is for fights I have been doing for a long while, like a live training dummy.
First pull went ok. We still wiped. Didn’t look to be on any horrid technical or gear problems. More like melee didn’t get out of Emalon’s Lightning Nova fast enough so a few went down.
Second pull Emalon was killed.
In the first minute of the fight one of the rogues died. … by the stairs. I don’t know if it was at the pull. I only noticed it when he started asking for a combat rez.
Then again.
…then again.
…then again.
We were ignoring him.
After a bit I couldn’t handle it anymore so I said something in vent.
“Yea. A combat rez would be nice. If we actually had a DRUID in raid.”
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
First, the new Wintergrasp changes better not affect my fishing daily quest. If I get ported out of the area because a Wintergrasp started I will be extremely pissed. Particularly because the PvP side of Wintergrasp is broken.
Wintergrasp was broken my first run in there. Tuesday the fishing daily was in WG. Since it was 13 minutes prior to the battle starting I entered and was immediately asked to queue for battle. I did that.
I finished my fishing quest with 4 minutes to spare. Well... there are herbs to pick and Horde to kill. You know. Fishing delays.
The game started.
I can say it was underwealming. Even though it was 11 PM server there just didn’t seem to be enough people in the zone to make it feel like a battle. Where I would run into packs of 5-8 Horde I saw 1-2. Where I would see 5-8 Alliance I ran into 2.
It was … disappointing.
Alliance won the battle. But this was the first time in a long time it went for the full length of the time. We basically stalled to win.
Then I didn’t receive my three marks or a quest complete for winning Wintergrasp. As of Thursday night I still didn’t have my issue resolved. The Wintergrasp fix is broken and if the fix brakes my fishing I will start screaming.
Wintergrasp was broken my first run in there. Tuesday the fishing daily was in WG. Since it was 13 minutes prior to the battle starting I entered and was immediately asked to queue for battle. I did that.
I finished my fishing quest with 4 minutes to spare. Well... there are herbs to pick and Horde to kill. You know. Fishing delays.
The game started.
I can say it was underwealming. Even though it was 11 PM server there just didn’t seem to be enough people in the zone to make it feel like a battle. Where I would run into packs of 5-8 Horde I saw 1-2. Where I would see 5-8 Alliance I ran into 2.
It was … disappointing.
Alliance won the battle. But this was the first time in a long time it went for the full length of the time. We basically stalled to win.
Then I didn’t receive my three marks or a quest complete for winning Wintergrasp. As of Thursday night I still didn’t have my issue resolved. The Wintergrasp fix is broken and if the fix brakes my fishing I will start screaming.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Turning Off Experience
Turning off twink experience was the first thing I did when I logged into Aurum.
From 3.2 patch notes:
Go to the Stormwind War Room as you enter you will find Behsten just to the right. He is a stealthed human rogue in the corner. Talk to him and let him know “I no longer wish to gain experience”. This will turn off your experience for 10 gold.
If you want to turn experience back on, you respond to him “I wish to start gaining experience again.” After that you will start getting experience again.
Go to the Orgrimmar War Room turn left when you get into the building. He is a stealthed undead rogue. Talk to him and let him know “I no longer wish to gain experience”. This will turn off your experience for 10 gold.
If you want to turn experience back on, you respond to him “I wish to start gaining experience again.” After that you will start getting experience again.
You will notice that both Behsten and Slahtz are geared as 19 rogue twinks. A guildy and I made quick work identifying their gear: Green Tinted Goggles, Sentry Cloak, Serpent's Shoulders, Gloves of the Fang, Blackened Defias Armor, Deviate Scale Belt, Blackend Defias leggings, Feet of the Lynx, Assassin's Blade, Cruel Barb, and both weapons are enchanted with Lifestealing.
It actually took me a while to identify the life stealing enchant. It had been so long ago that I tested it. As a guild we recommend against that enchant because the proc rate is so bad at 19. We have done a lot of testing in the 19s.
While standing there inspecting Behsten’s gear I was able to see some of his emotes.
A guildie was all excited about the turned off experience. He was able to finally level his skinning and even farm for the Prefect Deviate scales while waiting on queues to pop. He can even do some questing for the fun of it.
Also, I want to say thank you to MissB. He has been instrumental in creating and keeping all the hot headed PvPers going. I also want to give him a very belated congratulation to having over 50,000 honor kills on a 19 twink. I feel privileged to have been a part of a few thousand of those. MissB is now over 50% on his way to the “of the Alliance” title.
From 3.2 patch notes:
Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar - both located near the Battlemasters in either city - and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold.To turn off ALL your experience points for a character you need to visit you faction specific NPC. Here is where to find them.
If you want to turn experience back on, you respond to him “I wish to start gaining experience again.” After that you will start getting experience again.
If you want to turn experience back on, you respond to him “I wish to start gaining experience again.” After that you will start getting experience again.
While standing there inspecting Behsten’s gear I was able to see some of his emotes.
Also, I want to say thank you to MissB. He has been instrumental in creating and keeping all the hot headed PvPers going. I also want to give him a very belated congratulation to having over 50,000 honor kills on a 19 twink. I feel privileged to have been a part of a few thousand of those. MissB is now over 50% on his way to the “of the Alliance” title.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Patch 3.2 Hacked Up Notes
I don’t think I am the target audience for Blizzard. I watched the cinematic for Patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade. The cinematic looks great. Once it was done I realized it didn’t highlight anyone thing that I am looking forward to in this patch.
1) Twink only battles by turning off experience points.
2) Lifeblood doesn’t have GCD, again.
3) I get a purple Kitteh.
I rewatched it after reading the patch notes. Still nothing…
Here are the patch notes with only things I care about or thought funny. There is no reason for you to read these except in EXTREAM boredom. The full patch notes can always be found at
Crusaders' Coliseum
//They added 6 new instances. Crusaders' Coliseum holds 5-man normal and heroic, 10-man normal and heroic, and 25-man normal and heroic.
Isle of Conquest
//a new BG was added. It is time to get your vehicle on 40 man style. The resources usage takes me back to Age of Mythology.
//Blah blah blah. There are other places to get this information, like the real patch notes.
* The Argent Tournament Expands
o All new Argent Crusader daily quests and rewards have been added for players with the Crusader title. Rewards include a new Argent Crusader banner and tabard (which can port players to the tournament grounds), a mounted squire (can periodically run bank, mail or vendor errands for the player), a paladin-exclusive Argent Crusader Charger mount and new heirloom items. //Hearth to tourney and I have been wanting a more useful slave child since I cannot put a leash on him.
* New Dungeon Loot Feature
o Players will now be able to trade soulbound items with other raid or group members that were eligible for the loot. This system will work like the Item Buy Back system and allow 2 hours for players to trade an item after it has been looted. Players who choose to enchant or add gems to the item will get one last confirmation before losing the ability to trade the item. // This is pure customer service win.
* New druid art for Cat Form and Bear Form has been added. There are now five unique color schemes for each form and faction. Changing hair color (night elves) or skin tone (tauren) via the barbershop will change the look of one's cat and bear forms. //PURPLE KITTEH NOW!!!! *lick*
* Arenas
o Beginning with season 7, players will no longer have access to the newest season's weapons or shoulder armor and will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards with ratings from the 2v2 bracket alone. Ratings obtained through 3v3 and 5v5 game play will be required for these rewards, while the rest of the newest season's items will remain available to players in all brackets (standard rating restrictions still apply). //I am going to be running Arenas this season. I was told there needs to be more warlocks in arena so I have been practicing. What have I learned? I was going to say “I’m a noob.” But I knew that already, mostly that Demonic Circle is your friend and Shadowfury is fun!
* Battlegrounds
o Battleground experience has arrived!
+ Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (honorable kills not included).
+ Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar - both located near the Battlemasters in either city - and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold. //TWINKS DO IT. This should be one of the first things you should do. I am going to do this with different toons to try it all out before Aurum sets foot into another BG.
+ Disabling experience gains will prevent a player from gaining experience through any means available in the game.
+ Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off. //I like this a lot. I am still concern about the queue times. Time will tell us if it is bad or not.
+ Behsten and Slahtz can reinstate experience gains for players, for a 10 gold fee of course. Any experience that would've been accumulated if experience gains were enabled cannot be recovered. //The unrecoverable experience is a good thing. I had a flash of turning this off and months of exp popping up for the toon. *shiver*
o Battlemasters in major cities affiliated with specific Battlegrounds have been replaced with a Battlemaster for each faction that will allow players to queue for any Battleground. Battlemasters for specific Battlegrounds will still be seen around the cities during corresponding Battleground holiday weekends. //Less NPCs. I was just thinking though that the ones in Ironforge seemed to be having an intense meeting. Apparently they are done chatting it up.
o When standing at a capture point that you control, you will gain a buff called Honorable Defender. This buff grants +50% honor gained from kills. This currently affects Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm and Isle of Conquest.
o Arathi Basin
+ The time it requires to capture a base has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
+ The game now ends when one team reaches 1600 victory points, down from 2000.
o Eye of the Storm
+ The time it requires to capture the center flag has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10 seconds
+ The game now ends when one team reaches 1600 victory points, down from 2000.
o Strand of the Ancients
+ The faction starting on attack/defense will now be randomized at the start of each match.
o Warsong Gulch
+ There is a now a 20-minute timer on this Battleground. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the first flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie.
* Wintergrasp //LOSERS! Take something that was so popular and f-uk it up. If these changes make it painful to do my fishing daily, I am putting in a help ticket. EVERY TIME.
o To provide players with a more transparent notification of when Wintergrasp battles occur, as well as better control zone population and stability, several changes have been made.
+ Players now have the option to queue for Wintergrasp from a Wintergrasp Battlemaster in any capital city or by simply entering the Wintergrasp zone.
+ Queuing will begin 15 minutes before each battle. If chosen, you will automatically be teleported to the zone. Any players in the zone who have not been chosen from the queue will be teleported out when the battle begins.
+ The queue system remains active for the entire battle. As soon as a player leaves, a new one will be chosen from the queue.
+ Trying to enter Wintergrasp during an active battle for which you have not been chosen will teleport you out. Please note that, as you are now able to fly over Wintergrasp, you will only be teleported out if you try to land and join the battle. //What about fishing f-ckers. This whole impeding my fishing is making me twitch.
+ Level 80 players get higher priority in the queue than lower level players. In addition, a random selection of queued players will be taken from both the Battlemasters and the zone itself.
+ The queue will accept up to 120 players from each faction, resulting in a maximum battle of 240 players at a time.
o Wintergrasp factories can no longer be damaged or destroyed.
Dungeons and Raids
* Dungeon and Raid ID Extensions //We will see how this goes. I think smaller guilds will benefit from this more.
* Emblem System Changes. //Yes. This is a good thing.
* The Nexus: The Oculus & The Eye of Eternity
o Drakes used by players in these instances will now scale in health and damage according to the rider's average item level. //YES. This may make up do our last achievements for heroic instances to get out drakes.
* Ulduar //Yogg-Saron changes. Which I would care about if we could poke at ‘em.
o Players can now use Blink, Shadowstep, and Demonic Teleport while participating in the illusion events in the Yogg-Saron encounter.
Items: General
* Agility: The amount of agility required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%.
* Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%.
* Item Buy Back Feature Revised
o The Item Buy Back time will now expire if the player enchants or sockets an item. Players will see a confirmation dialog box now when they attempt to enchant or add gems to an item giving them a last chance to reconsider.
* Items with Triggered Effects: These items generally have cooldowns on how often they can be triggered. Those cooldowns are now triggered each time the item is equipped (example: A trinket has a 45-second cooldown on an effect triggered by player attacks; when a player equips that item, the effect will be unable to be triggered for the first 45 seconds it is worn).
* Mounts //I am sure you know riding skills changed. Go someplace else for details.
o Flying over Dalaran and Wintergrasp is now possible so long as players keep a healthy distance above the ground.
* Mana Regeneration: All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.
* Resilience: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players by the same proportion. In addition, the amount of resilience needed to reduce critical strike chance, critical strike damage and overall damage has been increased by 15%.
Classes: General
* All pets now receive 40% of their master's resilience and 100% of their master's spell penetration. In addition, if a player is at their appropriate spell hit chance or hit chance maximum, their pet will be at the maximum for spell hit chance, hit chance, and expertise. If they are below the maximum, their pet will be proportionately below those maximums. //Pet buff! But I am sure you had as much pet control as I did that your pet survivability was high already, correct? O.o
* Replenishment: This buff now grants 1% of the target's maximum mana over 5 seconds instead of 0.25% per second. This applies to all 5 sources of Replenishment (Vampiric Touch, Judgements of the Wise, Hunting Party, Enduring Winter Frostbolts and Soul Leech). //Replenishment nerf. What was once 0.25% per second is now 0.20% per second. A 20% reduction.
* Silence, Strangulate, Silencing Shot, and Arcane Torrent: These abilities will also apply a 3-second Interrupt effect against non-player controlled targets, making them more versatile against creatures immune to silencing effects. //Thinking the Gundrak mammoth interrupt achievement.
Death Knights
//My DK has been QQ about this for weeks and weeks. It is now here. I am now bracing myself for more QQ. I still like him anyway.
* Due to significant talent changes, all death knight talents will be reset for players.
* Enrage: This Bear Form ability now generates 20 rage initially, and 10 rage over the next 10 seconds. The armor penalty is unchanged.
* Flight Form: Can now be learned at level 60. Flight speed increased to 150%.
* Flight Form and Swift Flight Form: Now benefit from a paladin's Crusader Aura.
* Innervate: Duration reduced to 10 seconds, and cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. This means each use of Innervate will give half as much mana as before, but it will be available twice as often.
* Mangle: Ranks 4 and 5 base points reduced by about 11%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Rake: Ranks 6 and 7 base points on initial and periodic damage reduced by about 7%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Rip: Ranks 8 and 9 base points and points per combo point reduced by about 6%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Savage Defense: The animation for gaining this buff will no longer make the bear stand upright
* Shred: Ranks 8 and 9 base points reduced by about 10%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Swift Flight Form: Druids who have acquired a mount able to go 310% flight speed will now also go that speed while in this form. //That is a very cool change. And unexpected. Not that I have one.
* Swipe (Cat): Percent of weapon damage done reduced from 260% to 250%.
* Travel Form: Can now be learned at level 16.
* Talents
o Balance
+ Balance of Power: Now reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6%, rather than reducing the chance to be hit by spells by 2/4%.
o Feral Combat
+ King of the Jungle: This talent now reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form by 20/40/60%.
+ Primal Tenacity: This talent no longer reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form.
o Restoration
+ Empowered Touch: Now also increases the amount of bonus healing effects for Nourish by 10/20%.
+ Improved Barkskin: No longer provides dispel resistance to all effects on the druid, but now reduces the chance your Barkskin is dispelled by an additional 35/70%.
* Aspect of the Cheetah: Can now be learned at level 16. //Yummy. Cheetah running hunters for Aurum’s blades.
* Traps now have separate 30-second cooldown categories: Fire (Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Frost Trap) and Nature (Snake Trap). A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time.
* Mirror Image: Images will no longer trigger the death sound when their time expires. //*sniffles* I will miss all the dead mages.
//Lots of Pally stuffs. As we all know, each patch is like pallies getting a whole new class to play.
//Priests happen.
* After much quiet contemplation, rogues now possess the ability to learn how to use one-handed axes. //They get new toys.
* Talents
o Combat
+ Sword Specialization: This talent is now called Hack and Slash and applies to axes as well as swords.
o Subtlety
+ Shadow Dance: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute. Now lasts 6 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
* A customizable totem bar will now be available for shamans allowing the storing of 4 different totems. These totems can be placed on the ground at once in one global cooldown for the combined mana cost of all 4 totems.
* Ghost Wolf: Can now be learned at level 16. While in this form, snaring effects may not bring the shaman below base normal run speed. //This is going to suck at 19. With Shammies, hunters, and druids getting speed increase it will complete change the different roles in the WSG game.
* Banish: Effect will now be cancelled if Banish is recast on a banished target. //Which is great… if you was not trying to re-banish. Even more reason for you to pay attention to when your banish breaks.
* Dreadsteed: Can now be learned at level 40.
* Felsteed: Can now be learned at level 20.
* Shadowflame: The angle of the cone effect on this ability was inadvertently very small, making it difficult to use. Its cone is now the same size as similar spells, such as Cone of Cold.
* Soulshatter cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes //This may give us time to use it twice. … but not likely.
* Talents
o Affliction
+ Pandemic: Now also increases the critical damage bonus of Haunt by 100%.
o Demonology
+ Fel Domination cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 15 minutes. //… this will be very nice in BGs.
o Destruction
+ Empowered Imp: The warlock's critical hit chance is increased to 100%, up from 20% for the next spell cast after the Imp critically hits a target.
+ Fire and Brimstone: Reduced to 2/4/6/8/10% increased damage from Incinerate and Chaos Bolt on targets afflicted with Immolate, down from 3/6/9/12/15%.
//Warriors happen.
User Interface
* The quest log is now double-paned for more easily viewing quest information. The list of all quests a player has will show in one pane, while the quest details of any highlighted quest will display in the next. //One less addon. It replaces my use of Doublewide.
* Character name auto-completion for the chat frame, pop-ups, and mail interface is now active
* Character names can now be colorized according to class in the chat frame. This feature can be enabled through the chat settings by right-clicking on a chat window.
* Casting bars under the target frame, focus frame and nameplates will now display as shielded if the cast cannot be interrupted.
* Druids will now be able to see their mana bars when shape-shifted.
* Item Comparisons: Holding the shift key while hovering over an item will now display the stat differences with the item currently equipped in the relevant slot. //Nice! A simple ratingsbuster.
* Item Level: A new option has been added under Display in the Interface Options to show the item level on item tooltips.
* Macros and scripts will no longer be able to target totems by name. //PvP will now be … well shimmies were OP before.. now just well … *grumbles*
* New Feature Icons: Options recently added to any of the options menus will now display a yellow exclamation point next to them to indicate that they are new features.
* Vendor prices will now be listed on items whether or not players are at a vendor.
* For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum.
* The frame rate for those with Shadow Effects enabled under the Ultra Video settings has been improved.
World Environment
* Wolvar and Gorloc orphans have arrived in Dalaran and need your help! Players can find out more by visiting the Eventide District (completing the quests being offered for this event will not count toward any Children's Week achievements). Players have a limited amount of time to care for these orphans before they take their leave. They will then return again for the regularly-scheduled Children's Week next year. //Wait … I know I killed those Wolvar pups already.
* Portal areas in all major cities now offer a portal to the Blasted Lands near the Dark Portal. //I WANT A PORTAL FROM SHATT TO NORTHREND.
* Once crossing through the Dark Portal, players can access a flight path directly from the Stair of Destiny to Shattrath.
* A new zeppelin docking ramp has been added to Thunder Bluff allowing Horde players easier transport to and from Orgrimmar.
* The local Postal Service has grown tired of walking so far each day to collect mail and has decided to install a large number of new mailboxes in Stormwind, Undercity, Darnassus and Orgrimmar.
* Mathiel in Darnassus has finally earned himself enough money from your repair bills that he was able to buy himself an anvil.
* The ravasaur trainer Mor'vek has returned to Un'Goro and will offer to help Horde players raise and train a Venomhide Ravasaur as a mount... if they can survive the creature's deadly poison.
* A Brew-FAST Mount: A new Feat of Strength achievement for acquiring any epic Brewfest mount.
* Have Keg, Will Travel: Now requires either a Brewfest mount or using Brewfest Hops to transform yours into one.
Professions //When reading these you should allway think of what mats you have or collect will now be worth.
* Alchemy
o All stackable potions now stack to 20. //More bag space.
o Added a new pattern for Flask of the North, usable by players with a high alchemy skill. The recipe is purchased from Northrend trainers. Flask of the North increases your spell power, attack power or strength for 1 hour and is usable in Arenas. It is not consumed when used. //They took their potions but added a flask for arenas.
o Endless Healing Potion and Endless Mana Potion no longer usable in arenas. Amount of health and mana has been increased, and the cooldown reduced.
o Five new epic gem transmute recipes are available from the Northrend trainer. The recipe for transmuting a Cardinal Ruby can be learned from a quest, given by Linzy Blackbolt in Dalaran.
o The Mixology benefits from Northrend elixirs and flasks have been increased.
o Rage potions can now be used by druids.
* Cooking
o Blackened Dragonfin Recipe: Now only requires 1 Dragonfin Angelfish.
o Chef's Hat is now superior quality and allows the chef to cook faster. //I may actually buy it now. =)
o Increased the drop rate for recipes from the Outland Daily Cooking quests.
o Increased the chance to get a bonus Dalaran Cooking Token from the Spice Bag.
o The recipe for Captain Rumsey's Lager can now be randomly found in the quest reward Crate, Barrel, or Spice Bag from the cooking dailies.
* Enchanting
o Values on Northrend ring enchants increased.
* Engineering
//A whole lot of changes.
* Fishing
o Players with 300 or higher cooking have a chance to find a Waterlogged Recipe in the Bag of Fishing Treasures awarded by the Northrend fishing dailies. This item can be traded to other players and rewards several Dalaran Cooking Rewards when turned in. //Ummm. Gold gain somewhere in there?
* Herbalism
o Increased healing from Lifeblood (Rank 6).
o Lifeblood now scales slightly with maximum health. No longer affected by global cooldown. //YES!! *dance* the removal of the GCD will make this re-uber. Since they stealth nerfed it and now undid it.
* Inscription
//little change.
* Jewelcrafting
o Dragon's Eye gems stat bonuses increased. In addition, these gems are no longer prismatic and must be matched to the appropriate colored socket to activate an item's socket bonus.
o New recipes have been added for cutting epic gems and can be purchased using Dalaran Jewelcrafter's tokens.
o Icy Prism now has a chance of yielding an epic gem.
o Raw epic gems can be obtained via the following means:
+ Prospecting Titanium Ore //I have a full guild bank tab. I need to find a JC to prospect it all for me. =)
+ Alchemy transmutations
+ Purchased with honor
+ Purchased with Emblems of Heroism
* Leatherworking
//little change.
* Mining
o Toughness (Rank 6) provides more stamina.
o In addition to the normal requirements, mining deposits in Northrend now require a minimum character level of 65 to mine.
* Skinning
o Master of Anatomy (Rank 6) provides more critical strike rating.
* Tailoring
o Embroideries improved. //We shall see.
* Feral Druid PvP Gloves (seasons 3 and 4): Maim bonus changed from the Interrupt bonus used in The Burning Crusade Arena seasons to the cost reduction used in Wrath of the Lich King Arena seasons.
* Glyphs
o Warlocks
+ Glyph of Lifetap: Duration of the buff from this glyph increased to 40 seconds.
* Idol of the Corruptor: The agility buff from this idol is now exclusive with the agility buff from Idol of Terror.
* Non-Combat Pets: 8 new pets have been added (not including Argent Tournament rewards). Raptor Hatchlings can be found on rare and elite raptors throughout the game world. In addition, an Obsidian Raptor Hatchling can be purchased from Breanni in Dalaran. //Wailing Cavers shall now become our friend. This is also a item for ZG and ZA farming.
* Tome of Cold Weather Flight: New heirloom item. Requires level 68.
* Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: //They are buffing Legendaries. More of this IMO.
Bug Fixes
//stuffs fixed.
* Warlocks
o Demonic Circle: The visual for this spell should now despawn when the warlock dies or when the warlock otherwise loses the aura that allows transport to the circle.
o Immolate and Unstable Affliction: All ranks of these two spells will now overwrite each other.
o Improved Imp: Each time an Imp is summoned it will recast Blood Pact (if autocast is on), forcing it to benefit from this talent, even if the Imp was not summoned at the time the talent was learned.
o Improved Shadow Bolt: Redesigned slightly. Instead of a 100% chance to apply a 1/2/3/4/5% critical strike increase on the target, it now has a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to apply a 5% critical strike increase.
* Warriors
* Items
o Commendation of Bravery: No longer useable when player is already at the maximum honor allowed.
o Glyphs
+ Glyph of Shadowflame: The effect from this glyph will now work properly when multiple Warlocks use Shadowflame on the target.
o Heavy Netherweave Net: Using this item no longer causes the user to break shapeshifts. //I need to use these more.
o Trinkets: Various trinkets which did not work properly with channeled area-of-effect spells will now work with those spells. This includes (but is not limited to) Illustration of the Dragon Soul, Darkmoon Card: Greatness, and Egg of Mortal Essence.
o Wintergrasp Commendation: No longer useable when player is already at the maximum honor allowed.
* Professions
o Enchant Weapon - Black Magic: This enchantment can now be triggered by some spells it did not previously work with, including Curse of Agony, Blizzard, and Typhoon.
//I am done and can be pulled off this summers feeding of patch notes. Hope everyone is having a good summer.
1) Twink only battles by turning off experience points.
2) Lifeblood doesn’t have GCD, again.
3) I get a purple Kitteh.
I rewatched it after reading the patch notes. Still nothing…
Here are the patch notes with only things I care about or thought funny. There is no reason for you to read these except in EXTREAM boredom. The full patch notes can always be found at
Crusaders' Coliseum
//They added 6 new instances. Crusaders' Coliseum holds 5-man normal and heroic, 10-man normal and heroic, and 25-man normal and heroic.
Isle of Conquest
//a new BG was added. It is time to get your vehicle on 40 man style. The resources usage takes me back to Age of Mythology.
//Blah blah blah. There are other places to get this information, like the real patch notes.
* The Argent Tournament Expands
o All new Argent Crusader daily quests and rewards have been added for players with the Crusader title. Rewards include a new Argent Crusader banner and tabard (which can port players to the tournament grounds), a mounted squire (can periodically run bank, mail or vendor errands for the player), a paladin-exclusive Argent Crusader Charger mount and new heirloom items. //Hearth to tourney and I have been wanting a more useful slave child since I cannot put a leash on him.
* New Dungeon Loot Feature
o Players will now be able to trade soulbound items with other raid or group members that were eligible for the loot. This system will work like the Item Buy Back system and allow 2 hours for players to trade an item after it has been looted. Players who choose to enchant or add gems to the item will get one last confirmation before losing the ability to trade the item. // This is pure customer service win.
* New druid art for Cat Form and Bear Form has been added. There are now five unique color schemes for each form and faction. Changing hair color (night elves) or skin tone (tauren) via the barbershop will change the look of one's cat and bear forms. //PURPLE KITTEH NOW!!!! *lick*
* Arenas
o Beginning with season 7, players will no longer have access to the newest season's weapons or shoulder armor and will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards with ratings from the 2v2 bracket alone. Ratings obtained through 3v3 and 5v5 game play will be required for these rewards, while the rest of the newest season's items will remain available to players in all brackets (standard rating restrictions still apply). //I am going to be running Arenas this season. I was told there needs to be more warlocks in arena so I have been practicing. What have I learned? I was going to say “I’m a noob.” But I knew that already, mostly that Demonic Circle is your friend and Shadowfury is fun!
* Battlegrounds
o Battleground experience has arrived!
+ Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (honorable kills not included).
+ Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar - both located near the Battlemasters in either city - and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold. //TWINKS DO IT. This should be one of the first things you should do. I am going to do this with different toons to try it all out before Aurum sets foot into another BG.
+ Disabling experience gains will prevent a player from gaining experience through any means available in the game.
+ Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off. //I like this a lot. I am still concern about the queue times. Time will tell us if it is bad or not.
+ Behsten and Slahtz can reinstate experience gains for players, for a 10 gold fee of course. Any experience that would've been accumulated if experience gains were enabled cannot be recovered. //The unrecoverable experience is a good thing. I had a flash of turning this off and months of exp popping up for the toon. *shiver*
o Battlemasters in major cities affiliated with specific Battlegrounds have been replaced with a Battlemaster for each faction that will allow players to queue for any Battleground. Battlemasters for specific Battlegrounds will still be seen around the cities during corresponding Battleground holiday weekends. //Less NPCs. I was just thinking though that the ones in Ironforge seemed to be having an intense meeting. Apparently they are done chatting it up.
o When standing at a capture point that you control, you will gain a buff called Honorable Defender. This buff grants +50% honor gained from kills. This currently affects Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm and Isle of Conquest.
o Arathi Basin
+ The time it requires to capture a base has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
+ The game now ends when one team reaches 1600 victory points, down from 2000.
o Eye of the Storm
+ The time it requires to capture the center flag has been reduced to 8 seconds, down from 10 seconds
+ The game now ends when one team reaches 1600 victory points, down from 2000.
o Strand of the Ancients
+ The faction starting on attack/defense will now be randomized at the start of each match.
o Warsong Gulch
+ There is a now a 20-minute timer on this Battleground. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the first flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie.
* Wintergrasp //LOSERS! Take something that was so popular and f-uk it up. If these changes make it painful to do my fishing daily, I am putting in a help ticket. EVERY TIME.
o To provide players with a more transparent notification of when Wintergrasp battles occur, as well as better control zone population and stability, several changes have been made.
+ Players now have the option to queue for Wintergrasp from a Wintergrasp Battlemaster in any capital city or by simply entering the Wintergrasp zone.
+ Queuing will begin 15 minutes before each battle. If chosen, you will automatically be teleported to the zone. Any players in the zone who have not been chosen from the queue will be teleported out when the battle begins.
+ The queue system remains active for the entire battle. As soon as a player leaves, a new one will be chosen from the queue.
+ Trying to enter Wintergrasp during an active battle for which you have not been chosen will teleport you out. Please note that, as you are now able to fly over Wintergrasp, you will only be teleported out if you try to land and join the battle. //What about fishing f-ckers. This whole impeding my fishing is making me twitch.
+ Level 80 players get higher priority in the queue than lower level players. In addition, a random selection of queued players will be taken from both the Battlemasters and the zone itself.
+ The queue will accept up to 120 players from each faction, resulting in a maximum battle of 240 players at a time.
o Wintergrasp factories can no longer be damaged or destroyed.
Dungeons and Raids
* Dungeon and Raid ID Extensions //We will see how this goes. I think smaller guilds will benefit from this more.
* Emblem System Changes. //Yes. This is a good thing.
* The Nexus: The Oculus & The Eye of Eternity
o Drakes used by players in these instances will now scale in health and damage according to the rider's average item level. //YES. This may make up do our last achievements for heroic instances to get out drakes.
* Ulduar //Yogg-Saron changes. Which I would care about if we could poke at ‘em.
o Players can now use Blink, Shadowstep, and Demonic Teleport while participating in the illusion events in the Yogg-Saron encounter.
Items: General
* Agility: The amount of agility required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%.
* Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%.
* Item Buy Back Feature Revised
o The Item Buy Back time will now expire if the player enchants or sockets an item. Players will see a confirmation dialog box now when they attempt to enchant or add gems to an item giving them a last chance to reconsider.
* Items with Triggered Effects: These items generally have cooldowns on how often they can be triggered. Those cooldowns are now triggered each time the item is equipped (example: A trinket has a 45-second cooldown on an effect triggered by player attacks; when a player equips that item, the effect will be unable to be triggered for the first 45 seconds it is worn).
* Mounts //I am sure you know riding skills changed. Go someplace else for details.
o Flying over Dalaran and Wintergrasp is now possible so long as players keep a healthy distance above the ground.
* Mana Regeneration: All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.
* Resilience: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players by the same proportion. In addition, the amount of resilience needed to reduce critical strike chance, critical strike damage and overall damage has been increased by 15%.
Classes: General
* All pets now receive 40% of their master's resilience and 100% of their master's spell penetration. In addition, if a player is at their appropriate spell hit chance or hit chance maximum, their pet will be at the maximum for spell hit chance, hit chance, and expertise. If they are below the maximum, their pet will be proportionately below those maximums. //Pet buff! But I am sure you had as much pet control as I did that your pet survivability was high already, correct? O.o
* Replenishment: This buff now grants 1% of the target's maximum mana over 5 seconds instead of 0.25% per second. This applies to all 5 sources of Replenishment (Vampiric Touch, Judgements of the Wise, Hunting Party, Enduring Winter Frostbolts and Soul Leech). //Replenishment nerf. What was once 0.25% per second is now 0.20% per second. A 20% reduction.
* Silence, Strangulate, Silencing Shot, and Arcane Torrent: These abilities will also apply a 3-second Interrupt effect against non-player controlled targets, making them more versatile against creatures immune to silencing effects. //Thinking the Gundrak mammoth interrupt achievement.
Death Knights
//My DK has been QQ about this for weeks and weeks. It is now here. I am now bracing myself for more QQ. I still like him anyway.
* Due to significant talent changes, all death knight talents will be reset for players.
* Enrage: This Bear Form ability now generates 20 rage initially, and 10 rage over the next 10 seconds. The armor penalty is unchanged.
* Flight Form: Can now be learned at level 60. Flight speed increased to 150%.
* Flight Form and Swift Flight Form: Now benefit from a paladin's Crusader Aura.
* Innervate: Duration reduced to 10 seconds, and cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. This means each use of Innervate will give half as much mana as before, but it will be available twice as often.
* Mangle: Ranks 4 and 5 base points reduced by about 11%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Rake: Ranks 6 and 7 base points on initial and periodic damage reduced by about 7%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Rip: Ranks 8 and 9 base points and points per combo point reduced by about 6%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Savage Defense: The animation for gaining this buff will no longer make the bear stand upright
* Shred: Ranks 8 and 9 base points reduced by about 10%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.
* Swift Flight Form: Druids who have acquired a mount able to go 310% flight speed will now also go that speed while in this form. //That is a very cool change. And unexpected. Not that I have one.
* Swipe (Cat): Percent of weapon damage done reduced from 260% to 250%.
* Travel Form: Can now be learned at level 16.
* Talents
o Balance
+ Balance of Power: Now reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6%, rather than reducing the chance to be hit by spells by 2/4%.
o Feral Combat
+ King of the Jungle: This talent now reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form by 20/40/60%.
+ Primal Tenacity: This talent no longer reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form.
o Restoration
+ Empowered Touch: Now also increases the amount of bonus healing effects for Nourish by 10/20%.
+ Improved Barkskin: No longer provides dispel resistance to all effects on the druid, but now reduces the chance your Barkskin is dispelled by an additional 35/70%.
* Aspect of the Cheetah: Can now be learned at level 16. //Yummy. Cheetah running hunters for Aurum’s blades.
* Traps now have separate 30-second cooldown categories: Fire (Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap and Black Arrow), Frost (Freezing Trap, Frost Trap) and Nature (Snake Trap). A hunter can have one trap of each category placed at one time.
* Mirror Image: Images will no longer trigger the death sound when their time expires. //*sniffles* I will miss all the dead mages.
//Lots of Pally stuffs. As we all know, each patch is like pallies getting a whole new class to play.
//Priests happen.
* After much quiet contemplation, rogues now possess the ability to learn how to use one-handed axes. //They get new toys.
* Talents
o Combat
+ Sword Specialization: This talent is now called Hack and Slash and applies to axes as well as swords.
o Subtlety
+ Shadow Dance: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute. Now lasts 6 seconds, down from 10 seconds.
* A customizable totem bar will now be available for shamans allowing the storing of 4 different totems. These totems can be placed on the ground at once in one global cooldown for the combined mana cost of all 4 totems.
* Ghost Wolf: Can now be learned at level 16. While in this form, snaring effects may not bring the shaman below base normal run speed. //This is going to suck at 19. With Shammies, hunters, and druids getting speed increase it will complete change the different roles in the WSG game.
* Banish: Effect will now be cancelled if Banish is recast on a banished target. //Which is great… if you was not trying to re-banish. Even more reason for you to pay attention to when your banish breaks.
* Dreadsteed: Can now be learned at level 40.
* Felsteed: Can now be learned at level 20.
* Shadowflame: The angle of the cone effect on this ability was inadvertently very small, making it difficult to use. Its cone is now the same size as similar spells, such as Cone of Cold.
* Soulshatter cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes //This may give us time to use it twice. … but not likely.
* Talents
o Affliction
+ Pandemic: Now also increases the critical damage bonus of Haunt by 100%.
o Demonology
+ Fel Domination cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 15 minutes. //… this will be very nice in BGs.
o Destruction
+ Empowered Imp: The warlock's critical hit chance is increased to 100%, up from 20% for the next spell cast after the Imp critically hits a target.
+ Fire and Brimstone: Reduced to 2/4/6/8/10% increased damage from Incinerate and Chaos Bolt on targets afflicted with Immolate, down from 3/6/9/12/15%.
//Warriors happen.
User Interface
* The quest log is now double-paned for more easily viewing quest information. The list of all quests a player has will show in one pane, while the quest details of any highlighted quest will display in the next. //One less addon. It replaces my use of Doublewide.
* Character name auto-completion for the chat frame, pop-ups, and mail interface is now active
* Character names can now be colorized according to class in the chat frame. This feature can be enabled through the chat settings by right-clicking on a chat window.
* Casting bars under the target frame, focus frame and nameplates will now display as shielded if the cast cannot be interrupted.
* Druids will now be able to see their mana bars when shape-shifted.
* Item Comparisons: Holding the shift key while hovering over an item will now display the stat differences with the item currently equipped in the relevant slot. //Nice! A simple ratingsbuster.
* Item Level: A new option has been added under Display in the Interface Options to show the item level on item tooltips.
* Macros and scripts will no longer be able to target totems by name. //PvP will now be … well shimmies were OP before.. now just well … *grumbles*
* New Feature Icons: Options recently added to any of the options menus will now display a yellow exclamation point next to them to indicate that they are new features.
* Vendor prices will now be listed on items whether or not players are at a vendor.
* For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum.
* The frame rate for those with Shadow Effects enabled under the Ultra Video settings has been improved.
World Environment
* Wolvar and Gorloc orphans have arrived in Dalaran and need your help! Players can find out more by visiting the Eventide District (completing the quests being offered for this event will not count toward any Children's Week achievements). Players have a limited amount of time to care for these orphans before they take their leave. They will then return again for the regularly-scheduled Children's Week next year. //Wait … I know I killed those Wolvar pups already.
* Portal areas in all major cities now offer a portal to the Blasted Lands near the Dark Portal. //I WANT A PORTAL FROM SHATT TO NORTHREND.
* Once crossing through the Dark Portal, players can access a flight path directly from the Stair of Destiny to Shattrath.
* A new zeppelin docking ramp has been added to Thunder Bluff allowing Horde players easier transport to and from Orgrimmar.
* The local Postal Service has grown tired of walking so far each day to collect mail and has decided to install a large number of new mailboxes in Stormwind, Undercity, Darnassus and Orgrimmar.
* Mathiel in Darnassus has finally earned himself enough money from your repair bills that he was able to buy himself an anvil.
* The ravasaur trainer Mor'vek has returned to Un'Goro and will offer to help Horde players raise and train a Venomhide Ravasaur as a mount... if they can survive the creature's deadly poison.
* A Brew-FAST Mount: A new Feat of Strength achievement for acquiring any epic Brewfest mount.
* Have Keg, Will Travel: Now requires either a Brewfest mount or using Brewfest Hops to transform yours into one.
Professions //When reading these you should allway think of what mats you have or collect will now be worth.
* Alchemy
o All stackable potions now stack to 20. //More bag space.
o Added a new pattern for Flask of the North, usable by players with a high alchemy skill. The recipe is purchased from Northrend trainers. Flask of the North increases your spell power, attack power or strength for 1 hour and is usable in Arenas. It is not consumed when used. //They took their potions but added a flask for arenas.
o Endless Healing Potion and Endless Mana Potion no longer usable in arenas. Amount of health and mana has been increased, and the cooldown reduced.
o Five new epic gem transmute recipes are available from the Northrend trainer. The recipe for transmuting a Cardinal Ruby can be learned from a quest, given by Linzy Blackbolt in Dalaran.
o The Mixology benefits from Northrend elixirs and flasks have been increased.
o Rage potions can now be used by druids.
* Cooking
o Blackened Dragonfin Recipe: Now only requires 1 Dragonfin Angelfish.
o Chef's Hat is now superior quality and allows the chef to cook faster. //I may actually buy it now. =)
o Increased the drop rate for recipes from the Outland Daily Cooking quests.
o Increased the chance to get a bonus Dalaran Cooking Token from the Spice Bag.
o The recipe for Captain Rumsey's Lager can now be randomly found in the quest reward Crate, Barrel, or Spice Bag from the cooking dailies.
* Enchanting
o Values on Northrend ring enchants increased.
* Engineering
//A whole lot of changes.
* Fishing
o Players with 300 or higher cooking have a chance to find a Waterlogged Recipe in the Bag of Fishing Treasures awarded by the Northrend fishing dailies. This item can be traded to other players and rewards several Dalaran Cooking Rewards when turned in. //Ummm. Gold gain somewhere in there?
* Herbalism
o Increased healing from Lifeblood (Rank 6).
o Lifeblood now scales slightly with maximum health. No longer affected by global cooldown. //YES!! *dance* the removal of the GCD will make this re-uber. Since they stealth nerfed it and now undid it.
* Inscription
//little change.
* Jewelcrafting
o Dragon's Eye gems stat bonuses increased. In addition, these gems are no longer prismatic and must be matched to the appropriate colored socket to activate an item's socket bonus.
o New recipes have been added for cutting epic gems and can be purchased using Dalaran Jewelcrafter's tokens.
o Icy Prism now has a chance of yielding an epic gem.
o Raw epic gems can be obtained via the following means:
+ Prospecting Titanium Ore //I have a full guild bank tab. I need to find a JC to prospect it all for me. =)
+ Alchemy transmutations
+ Purchased with honor
+ Purchased with Emblems of Heroism
* Leatherworking
//little change.
* Mining
o Toughness (Rank 6) provides more stamina.
o In addition to the normal requirements, mining deposits in Northrend now require a minimum character level of 65 to mine.
* Skinning
o Master of Anatomy (Rank 6) provides more critical strike rating.
* Tailoring
o Embroideries improved. //We shall see.
* Feral Druid PvP Gloves (seasons 3 and 4): Maim bonus changed from the Interrupt bonus used in The Burning Crusade Arena seasons to the cost reduction used in Wrath of the Lich King Arena seasons.
* Glyphs
o Warlocks
+ Glyph of Lifetap: Duration of the buff from this glyph increased to 40 seconds.
* Idol of the Corruptor: The agility buff from this idol is now exclusive with the agility buff from Idol of Terror.
* Non-Combat Pets: 8 new pets have been added (not including Argent Tournament rewards). Raptor Hatchlings can be found on rare and elite raptors throughout the game world. In addition, an Obsidian Raptor Hatchling can be purchased from Breanni in Dalaran. //Wailing Cavers shall now become our friend. This is also a item for ZG and ZA farming.
* Tome of Cold Weather Flight: New heirloom item. Requires level 68.
* Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: //They are buffing Legendaries. More of this IMO.
Bug Fixes
//stuffs fixed.
* Warlocks
o Demonic Circle: The visual for this spell should now despawn when the warlock dies or when the warlock otherwise loses the aura that allows transport to the circle.
o Immolate and Unstable Affliction: All ranks of these two spells will now overwrite each other.
o Improved Imp: Each time an Imp is summoned it will recast Blood Pact (if autocast is on), forcing it to benefit from this talent, even if the Imp was not summoned at the time the talent was learned.
o Improved Shadow Bolt: Redesigned slightly. Instead of a 100% chance to apply a 1/2/3/4/5% critical strike increase on the target, it now has a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to apply a 5% critical strike increase.
* Warriors
* Items
o Commendation of Bravery: No longer useable when player is already at the maximum honor allowed.
o Glyphs
+ Glyph of Shadowflame: The effect from this glyph will now work properly when multiple Warlocks use Shadowflame on the target.
o Heavy Netherweave Net: Using this item no longer causes the user to break shapeshifts. //I need to use these more.
o Trinkets: Various trinkets which did not work properly with channeled area-of-effect spells will now work with those spells. This includes (but is not limited to) Illustration of the Dragon Soul, Darkmoon Card: Greatness, and Egg of Mortal Essence.
o Wintergrasp Commendation: No longer useable when player is already at the maximum honor allowed.
* Professions
o Enchant Weapon - Black Magic: This enchantment can now be triggered by some spells it did not previously work with, including Curse of Agony, Blizzard, and Typhoon.
//I am done and can be pulled off this summers feeding of patch notes. Hope everyone is having a good summer.
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