Monday, June 7, 2010

Stalk TNB

You still have no ticket to Blizzcon?

Interested? I highly suggest you become a stalker over on Twisted Nether Blogcast this week.

TNB’s live recording is currently done on Tuesdays (tomorrow, if you have lost track). If you are there it will give you the most amount of time. You will also find out more details on their site after.

As my readers I am giving you this heads up.


  1. :)

    I can just visualize it, winning a ticket, follow around Fimlys all-day and share a room with Saresa and her peekaboo pjs.

  2. Hehehe, I am not sure if you really want to be visualising some of that Elka!

    This sounds suspiciously awesome. I may have to direct some friends to listen

  3. Stalking Saresa is fun! I spend a lot of time doing that. :)
