Wednesday, February 24, 2010

DPS is replaceable.

I have gotten a lot of grumpy remarks for saying this….

DPS is replaceable.

I have learned to live by this. To use this. To embrace the good and bad of this statement.

The bad: Getting swapped out and replaced.

The good: You really can say “No” and know they will go find someone else.

I don’t recall a raid that did not happen because I was the only one who said “No, I don’t want to go.”


  1. True dat.

    It also serves as a reminder to DPS-ers that we, more than anyone, need to be on our toes and excel, in every aspect (not just the epeen aspects).

    For, while "DPS is replacable" is true, "DPS that stands in stuff" is doubly so :)

  2. Everyone is replaceable. And for many fights in ICC, good DPS is what makes or breaks the fights-- not the tanks/healers. Hang in there!

  3. If your top 2 or 3 DPSers are not available for a progression DPS-intensive fight, it might make more sense to call the raid or doing something else than wiping due to lack of DPS. That's about the only case I've seen happen.

  4. I don't think that dps should be any more replacable than tanks and healers. Good dpsers are NOT replacable. Average dpsers are a dime a dozen. If you want to succeed, your raid should have quality people in every role. Those people are not always easy to find.

  5. men I don't know so much about WOW and it different options, in fact I want to play this game, but I don't want to spend soo many time playing, I want to play but in a human way.
