Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blizzcon 2009 an Improvement and Renew Friends

I absolutely loved meeting up with everyone. Husband enjoyed that too. It was long but fun days.

I cannot help but compare it to Comic Con. There is way less people at Blizzcon. Blizzard rightly cut off the attendance where they did. It was extremely busy at panels and booths but if you needed to get out of the crowd you can.

The number one thing that NEEDS to improve at future Blizzcon is panel scheduling. Just put all the Warcraft panels in the same Hall. The flip flopping is just plain annoying. Also if a panel the second day is an actual repeat of the day before … SAY IT. Waiting 30 minutes for nothing doesn’t make me happy.

Everyone around me was communicating via Twitter. Me and my little phone just text directly to Fim’s phone to see where everyone was meeting up. At moments I felt like I was the old lady with the rotary phone when everyone went to the push button. But because if the lack of Twittering I actually got to experience the events and panels more.

I have a album up of the slides from Satruday. There is also so very fuzzy pictures of the concerts at the closing ceremony posted.

Now for a little name dropping (and if I missed you sorry and tell me!!)…

I was able to spend a lot of time with Fimlys of Twisted Nether Blogcast, Brutalize from the Rawrcast, and Sar of Destructive Reach.

Some others I met up with (again not limited to) was…
Nibuca of Mystic Chicanery and Twisted Nether
Ratters of Need More Rage
Tigorasou of The Druid Team
Tristan of The Elitist Podcast
Bremm of Bremm's Musings
Brajana of Mend Pet
Matt of World of Matticus (Getting drunk pictures of FTW!)
Wynthea of World of Matticus
Lodur of World of Matticus
Brigwyn of The Hunting Lodge
Sideshow & Syrana

Soooo many more I completely lost track.

Someone not there but was in our thoughts (… probably because we were handing out Rawrcast stickers) was Stompalina. I ran around with one on my backpack all Saturday. I absolutely cheered and screamed with I saw Brutalize on screen behind the banners on Direct TV.

Here he is holding up a Rawrcast sticker up.
I also think he was the only one that got as much kick out of the penis shaped glow necklaces and inflated condoms during the concert as I was. Good times.

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